Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival 2009

What an awesome weekend of fibery goodness!!

From visiting with many of my fabulous Fibersmyth friends to making new friends and reconnecting with old ones-it was an incredible weekend.

Check out that fleece table!! It was a handspinners paradise!
From angora rabbit to alpaca, from Cormo to Icelandic, there was something for everyone.

I would like to thank all the customers that purchased Dell Acres fleece at this years sale; fleeces sold over the weeked include wool from Gardenia, Gremiln, Grace, Ghirardelli, Giget, Flint, Millie, & Lily.
I truly hope you enjoy spinning your fleece and wish you all the best in your fiber endeavors.

Mark your calendars for next years festival--September 25-26, 2010

Saturday, October 24, 2009

2009 March and April Born Lambs for Sale –Many to Choose from

We have a nice selection of ewe lambs and wethers to add to your fiber family, in addition to the ram lambs and yearling ram.

Priced from $100 to $150.00

Triple Trouble

June 2009

Got Wool???

We do--and we'd love to come share ours with you!

Catch us if you can................

Purebred Yearling Romney Ram for Sale

Dell Acres Zeus
Purebred Romney Yearling Ram


Natural Colored Silver Grey Ram-- Single
Born 4/23 /08

Sire: Wooly Wonders #420 Driver aka “Teddy”
ARBA # 124822BB
Pitchfork / Julian and Moore Bloodlines

Dam: Fox Hollow Silky #20
ARBA #125300BW

I'm a gentle giant!

Beautiful silver grey fleece

Natural Colored Long Wool Ram Lamb for Sale

Sired by: Wooly Wonders Flint
Registered NCWGA
MDSW 2007 Natural Color Long Wool Champion
SVFF 2007 Grand Champion Fleece Winner

FOR SALE : Dell Acres Dodge
Born April 12, 2009
Sire: Flint, RomneyXBorder Leicester/Corriedale
Dam: DA Princess, Purebred Romney


Purebred Romney Ram and Ewe Lambs for Sale

Dell Acres Titan Purebred Romney Ram Lamb
Born April 1, 2009

Sire: Wooly Wonders Driver aka "Teddy"
ARBA Registered Purebred Romney Ram

Dam: Ghiarardelli
Purebred ARBA Registered Romney Ewe with her twin lambs Tahlia and Titan
born April 1, 2009

Titan's lamb fleece
Tahlia (on right) and Titan

Tahlia SOLD

Titan SOLD

Sunday, June 29, 2008

2008 Natural Colored Handspinning Fleeces for Sale

From our May/June 2008 Shearings. All Fleeces were covered year-round with Rocky Sheep Suits and are carefully skirted. They contain very little vegetable matter and, thanks to our great shearer, few, if any second cuts. Fleeces are $12.00 per pound/sold as whole fleeces unless noted otherwise.

Computer monitors and lighting can distort true colors. Colors also vary within the individual fleece. Please email to request a sample if desiring a very specific shade.

We have purebred Romney fleeces and our Natural Colored type fleeces, which are ewes with Romney, Border Leicester and Corriedale lines.

Flint -1/2 Romney- 1/2 Natural Colored(Border Leicester and Corriedale) Ram
Supreme Champion Fleece Winner 2007 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival

Flint's 12 lb full year fleece yielded 7 lbs of beautiful yarn- the wonderful spinner who purchased and spun his fleece shared a skein of the yarn with me! A beautiffully spun two ply yarn. Thank you N.R.

This is the 1/2 year clip from Flint - sheared in May to keep him cool and get him on a spring shearing schedule. A lovely variation of light to medium greys.

3 1/2" staple, 5.6 lbs $ 67.00 plus shipping. SOLD Thank you R.T. in MD


Fiddle -Romney/Border Leicester/Corriedale Cross ewe

A pretty medium grey with brown highlights.

5" staple length. 7 lbs. @ $12.00 lb. Total $84.00

plus shipping
SOLD Thank you J.P. in KY


Flavia- Lincoln/Border Leicester/Corriedale Cross ewe

A darker steely grey fleece. 6 1/3 " staple length

5.5 lbs @$12.00 lb. Total $66.00 plus shipping. SOLD Thank you S.B. in WY

Galaxy -Romney/Natural Colored Cross ewe

Second place longwool ewe fleece SVFF 2007

A fleece of many colors with a silvery shiny luster from a sheep that really is out of this world! She is as sweet as her fleece is beautiful.

3 3/4 lb @$12.00 lb. SOLD Thank you N.R. in VA

Giget- 1/2 Romney-1/2 Natural Colored Cross ewe

4.6 lbs. @$12.00 lb. $64.00 Sold


Gremlin -1/2 Romney-1/2 Natural Colored Cross ewe.

This sweet girl has white spots on her face and belly. Her fleece is on the finer side with a variation of medium to dark grays. 3" staple 3 lbs. @ $12.00 lb. SOLD Thank you S.K.

We pause for a little show and tell-----

We Can't Resist-- showing off Gremlin's lamb!! Meet OREO, the closest thing to a Holstein calf that's been on our farm in several years! Ain't he just too cute. Look for him in the 4-H show ring at the Shenandoah County Fair this August. Thanks and good luck to Jesse.


Gretel- 1/2 Romney- 1/2 Natural Colored ewe
First Place Longwool Ewe Fleece at SVFF 2007

A beautiful varigated grey fleece, having lightened in color from her first shearing.

3" staple, 2.5 lbs. @$12.00 lb. Total $30.00 SOLD Thank you M.L. in CA


Godiva -Border Leicester/Natural Colored Cross ewe

A finer, steely grey fleece that's a pleasure to spin.

3"-3 1/2" staple length, 4.75 lbs. $57.00 SOLD Thank You A.W. in NC


Teddy -Purebred Romney Ram

Second Place Longwool Ram Fleece Winner at SVFF 2007

An awesome silvery gray fleece - it overdyes beautifully.

8 lbs. @ $12.00 lb. SOLD Thank you N.R. in VA


Zelda- Purebred Natural Colored Romney ewe

Our elder ewe, her fleece is still more beautiful each year. A very light grey.

5.4 lbs @$12.00 lb. SOLD


Princess Purebred Romney ewe

A Romney Hogget fleece, Princess is a daughter of Teddy and Zelda and has an amazing first fleece. A darker grey that has lighter fibers through out that add a halo of silver. Hard to describe--it's a beauty - the photo of the entire fleece picks up the silvery glow, but makes the fleece look lighter in color overall than it is in person. Covered most of the year, it has the brown suntipping typical of lamb's fleece.

6 1/2 " staple length. 4.5 lbs. $8.00 lb. Total $36.00 plus shipping AVAILABLE

Ghirardelli "Gerri" Purebred Romney ewe

Another incredible first fleece - Sun kissed tips - a darker charcoal grey that changes to silver near the cut ends.

6 1/2"-7" staple length. 7 lbs. @ $12.00 lb. Total $84.00 plus shipping SOLD Thank you G.B.


Great Crafting wool/fleece

Millie -Natural Colored Longwool ewe

6" staple, 6.8 lbs @6.00lb. Total $39.00plus shipping AVAILABLE

Lily- Natural Colored Longwool ewe

6 1/2 " staple length, 7lbs. @$6.00 lb. Total $ 70.00 plus shipping AVAILABLE

Twin sisters now three years old, their fleece is more on the coarser side compared to our other ewes. These fleeces are great for spinning bulky singles for rugs or outerwear, but the texture and length of the locks makes them ideal for fleece weaving and locker hooking.

These two fleeces may be purchased by the pound if desired.

Thank you for looking. Please contact us with any questions you may have. We want handspinners to experience the pleasure of spinning an extremely clean fleece from a happy, healthy sheep.

We stand behind our fleeces and promise you an awesome spinning experience.

2008 Romney Roving For Sale

Due to requests for roving, we sent three of our 2007 covered purebred Romney fleeces to Zeilinger's for processing into roving. It is soooo clean and easy to spin!
The roving in the basket on the left is a beautiful silver grey from Teddy, our Romey ram.
In the basket on the right is a light oatmealish color roving resulting in blending the fleeces from our mother/daughter duo- Zelda, a light colored Romney and Silky, a white Romney. It is a lovely color on its own, but it dyes beautifully too. I have photographed the two twined together on the left to show the contrast in color only.
Romney Roving $16.00 lb.