Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival 2009

What an awesome weekend of fibery goodness!!

From visiting with many of my fabulous Fibersmyth friends to making new friends and reconnecting with old ones-it was an incredible weekend.

Check out that fleece table!! It was a handspinners paradise!
From angora rabbit to alpaca, from Cormo to Icelandic, there was something for everyone.

I would like to thank all the customers that purchased Dell Acres fleece at this years sale; fleeces sold over the weeked include wool from Gardenia, Gremiln, Grace, Ghirardelli, Giget, Flint, Millie, & Lily.
I truly hope you enjoy spinning your fleece and wish you all the best in your fiber endeavors.

Mark your calendars for next years festival--September 25-26, 2010

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